Monday, August 31, 2009


I haven't had such fun in quite sometime. Today, there is a celebration at work and to my delight, the theme is "Retro". My collegues were all very sporting, and below is a pic of me and E. I blurted out laughing for like 3 times before we finally got it right. I felt so goofy in that pose, but E is such a pro, keeping a straight face throughout.

I have received a couple toy flowers over work, and had 2 to add to my collection today. Here is a peak of the lovely flowers gathering at my table to brighten my day.

Though I am very new to this workplace, my sweet collegues invited me along to a gathering. It was a bomb (though I totally suck at playing Wii)!
I decided to take more pics of my attire today at home, especially of the back row of buttons on my blouse which I think is so adorable.
Blouse: Chic Room
Skirt: Passed down from good friend C
Bag: Vintage Coach
Ribbon hairband: Far East


  1. woah.. retro is popular huh? apparently smb had retro too. mine was Bold, Chic, Glam... -_-. hope you had a blast, happy teachers' day!

  2. Missy Teo! Its only for the day celebration with e kids, the actual dinner is pushed to year end... and we do not know the theme yet. :)

  3. Thanks. *Blush* I was kinda shocked to find it at Metro Sale, from a label called Chic Room.

  4. i like your geeky glasses. nice outfit. and i covet vintage coach bags like yours. i kept letting a few run away.
